Madalinemmmbop's whirlwind in Disneyland

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Guess who's back, back again...

Tom - Zorbing, Rotorua

Remember Tom everybody? Duncan and I first met him at a hostel in Rio, then we bumped in to him in New Zealand only to discover that Eve also knew him - having met him independently in Guatamala or somewhere. Anyway, we hung with him a bit in Sydney and now he's here! Like Eve, he couldn't get enough of Sam and The Duncs, and flew from Singapore just to travel up Cambodia and Thailand with us. Yay!

So after sniffing us out in Phnom Penh, I acted as his official tour guide around the Killing Fields and then took him to get trigger happy (what *is* it with all our friends?) He also chose to lob a hand grenade. This is the moment the clicker went off when you release it. He thought it was going to explode early and wet himself. How I laughed.

Tom throwing a hand grenade

Tom throwing a hand grenade