Madalinemmmbop's whirlwind in Disneyland

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Tristan´s here!

This place is mental. You think about looking for a restaurant for your evening meal somewhere between midnight and 1am. Then after your amazing, massive steak is all washed down with the House Red at about 2am it´s back to the hostel for drinks - maybe a bar, and then hit the first club at 3ish. It was a dance music this time, and by the time we got back breakfast was in full swing, so Dave and I tucked right in. It was proper filth.

Other news. Tristan´s here, which is rad. We had Dave and Dan´s eat off. Dave won. I had my hair cut. Cheap as chips. And today I´m spending my birthday money that Duncan collected (thanks again guys) on having proper hair extensions. Get in. Apart from that, no-one really sees daylight here. So there´s not a lot to tell. Push it, let´s push it, push the feeling on. Push it, let´s push it, gotta keep moving on...


Tristan and Steve

The eat off