Madalinemmmbop's whirlwind in Disneyland

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Oh brother!

So, last night I was full, tired and definately NOT up for any kind of going out. But the boys at the hostel somehow persuaded me to hit a club with them and at about 1am we headed out. Got stopped on the way by police (with guns, of course) who searched us thoroughly for drugs. Which was horrible. Then got to the club to find it was trashy dance music. Which I hate. So that was even more horrible. Plus we´d missed any kind of discount entry as it was so late. So yeah, I wasn´t really feeling it. That was until I got inside the stinking, sweaty dance hell and the first person I clapped eyes on was AMIR.

Being the youngest in the family, I never had the pleasure of having my own younger brother. So I had Ash´s (my best school friend). I´ve grown up with Amir. I adore him. But he´s always been, like, nine or something in my eyes. Anyway, ´nine year old´ Amir looked after me all night, muscled men who bumped in to me and even insisted that him and his friend accompanied me home in a cab, even though I´m pretty sure they weren´t ready to leave. Bless you Amir. It made my week to see you and I can´t tell you how proud I am that you´ve turned in to such a lovely young man. And where did you get those muscles? You didn´t have those when you were at Summerbee Infants.