Madalinemmmbop's whirlwind in Disneyland

Friday, September 29, 2006

Ice, Ice baby

Alright stop, colaborate and listen.

Fox Glacier. A to the M to the A to the ZING. Evo Gavin and Anna heli hiked over the thing which, according to them both, was incredible and Dunners did a day trek. I did neither. Yeah, I know, thinking about it I probably should have. But it was well pricey and I'm saving those pennies for a koala cuddle in OZ. Outstanding natural beauty vs cuddle with grouchy, slightly vicious tree critter. I know what I'd prefer. Anyway, what I saw of the ice was beautiful and although my pictures aren't a patch on theirs (seriously, Google it), it's all good.

Bottom of glacier

Fox glacier

Fox glacier