Madalinemmmbop's whirlwind in Disneyland

Sunday, September 03, 2006


...we´ve been spending a LOT of time on coaches. So yeah, it was 20 odd hours to see the whales (which as you can gather was SKILL), then we did 24 hours to Cordoba (where we visited more art galleries than I did for my art GCSE, A-Level, Foundation and degree combined), followed by 10 hours to Mendoza (for more art galleries) and topped off by 40 - yes people, that´s right FOUR ZERO - to Iguazu Falls (which was totally worth it, see above.) That´s a total of (drum roll) = a whole lot of hours. It´s been great. Tiring. But great. Although I feel like I´ve been chaperoning a fortnight-long date.

Here´s a brief run-down in pictures:

Museum of religious art, Cordoba

Museum of religious art, Cordoba

Cordoba´s horrible zoo

Park time, Cordoba

Art show, Mendoza

Mendoza park