Working girl
So guess what? As well as being in at Smash Hits again this week (which is where I'm tip-tappety-tapping from now having just transcribed an interview with Australian Idol winner Damien - how excitement) I now have *another* job. That's right. At the weekend Jason (the events manager at the hostel) asked me to be his assistant. Get in.
Basically, the job involves working 9 hours a week. I have to chaperone The Gospel pub crawl on a Tuesday night, do the Bondi to Coogee coastal walk on a Thursday (groan) and then help Jason at the free Coogee beach BBQ on a Saturday. And that's pretty much it. Apart from be friendly and chat to people at the hostel yadda, yadda, yadda (which is why they approached me about the job apparently. Manageress Tiffany was like "I get this energy from you...")
In return I get MY OWN PRIVATE ROOM FOR FREE. I'm so chuffed. The aforementioned sweaty, stinking pitt of an 8-bed dorm that I had resigned myself to being in until January 3rd was really getting to me. Like really. Now I have my own cool, quiet, breezy room and it's lush. I've unpacked all of my stuff and finally feel like I'm living somewhere and can get a good night's sleep. I also get about 90 bucks a week, which isn't much, but considering I'm not forking out for accomodation and have nearly all my days free to freelance, it's all A-OK.
The only thing that saddens me is that Duncan and I are separated. Just like we were at John Menzies. It's cool though. In fact I kinda like it. Because I could spend every waking moment of the rest of my life with that boy (as you all know) but I love it when we email and text each other too and when we're in the same room every day and night (babe) there's no time to do that stuff as well. So now there's a bit of distance bewteen us (shar - like a flight of stairs) I've bought myself a mobile phone so we can keep in touch. You know, important stuff like "Just woken up. Come up and see me. Bring water."
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