Madalinemmmbop's whirlwind in Disneyland

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The heat is on in Saigon

I mentioned it was hot, right? I kind of underestimated just how much. It's ROASTING (not complaining. Honestly not.)

So we polished off all the fanciness of the Windsor Plaza in style by way of a two hour, complimentary, buffet style AMAZING breakfast, a final dip in the pool, a touch more MTV (I'd forgtotten how much I loved Michael Bolton - is that wrong?) and then we ventured out. Into Ho Chi Minh. And man, was it hot? Deffs.

Five star breakfast

Checked in to our new hotel (not Five Star. What were we thinking?) and then walked in the blistering heat to the Botanical Gardens (slash) Zoo. It was a nice day out. Saw some nice animals. And some even better animal topiary. Love a bit of topiary. Out for dinner (a really hot shrimp soup followed by a really hot green curry followed by a really hot wake up call...) then hit the sack.

Botanical Gardens, HCM

Botanical Gardens, HCM

Zoo, HCM

Botanical Gardens, HCM

Still blissfully happy. That's 2 days in a row now. It's practically unheard of.