Madalinemmmbop's whirlwind in Disneyland

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

It's Christmaaaas!

So, Christmas Eve was spent getting little presents for the crew at the flat (Sarah, Dan, Kisty, Kelly, Ryan, Jess, Lisa and James) and then getting ready for the Booze Cruise. To be honest I wasn't really feeling it, but because I'm on the Ent's team I didn't have much choice. Sucks to be me. Plus, I'd managed to flog about 40 tickets for the cruise, raking in the commission, so felt I should go and party with the poor backpackers I'd totally ripped off. Yeah, sorry about that guys - made a total mint out of you, didn't I?

The gang had all decided on going dressed as gangsters. I wasn't feeling that either so went against the flow and dressed as a punk as I had done for the Maze fancy dress party two days previously. No one gets it though. They just think it's me being me. I guess it kind of is.

Ryan, Sarah, Rich and Daniel


Me as a punk, Christmas Eve

So yeah. The boat was rammed and sweaty and rowdy and I felt like a sixth former again. I hated it. Until the free wine was flowing. Then I loved it, didn't I? So after that, four hours later, I nipped in for one at the Gaff (totally lost everyone) and then on to Milk (totally found everyone) where I hooked up with Duncan, AKA Harry Highpants (his work mates have called him this because of his Simon Cowell-esque work trousers. I love it.) We then hit Stonewall, the gay bar I can't believe I've only just been too (it was brilliant) where I ran in to this dude. Remind you of anyone famous?

David Shwimmer in a gay bar?

Finally Duncan put me in a cab and paid the driver to get me home. Thanks, honey. And apart from ripping it up to some Christmas songs behind reception with Steve, Gordon and Jason - that was my Christmas Eve. And to be fair, it was pretty cool.

Christmas Eve