Christmas Day, Christmas Day...
...what do you do on Christmas Day?
I wake up early and rub my eyes. I open my stocking with big surprise.
And shout hip hip hooray!
I didn't do any of the rest of the song, apart from "I eat some turkey, pudding and pie - and shout hip hip hooray" but that was a bit later. And I didn't actually shout hip hip hooray.
So yeah. I'm lying there, fast asleep on Christmas morning and my phone starts going off at, like, 10am. I pick it up sleepily and guess who it is? Evo. At first I don't really get what's going on (Christmas Eve was a big one, okay?) and then realise that she's here, in the kitchen and that I should have been up at 8am to greet her. Whoops.
Hot foot it in a haze down the stairs with a stocking for her, and one for Dunners, that have been stashed under my bed for weeks. Along with the parcel that rocked up at the Maze for me from the lovely David Earl. And there they are - Duncan and Eve, sat in the kitchen. And immediately it's like old times. Hip hip hooray!
Open our presents. Eve got a load of things from her mum. Duncan got a parcel from Mooms with bits and pieces in - and some body wash for me. Thanks Mooms. Duncan got me a T-shirt I'd seen ages ago and loved. It says "My parents beat me and I turned out okay." I normally hate joke t-shirts but found it funny. Because it's true. (I'm clearly kidding. I never needed a smack, I was such an angel...) He also got me a Bundaberg Rum beach towel to remind me of Australia. Bless him.
So then I open the parcel from Dave. I can barely contain my excitement. I love post and he'd sent it to the Maze ages ago. Inside was a My Chemical Romance mug (because he knows I'm ROCK), a snowman finger puppet (so I don't forget what snowmen look like), a Sidney snake finger puppet (to scare away the deadly spiders) and an AMAZING letter. I loved it. But my favourite part was the Dave-made card which had a picture of me on the front. Dave - you're a creative genius and you made my day. Thank you.
I'd sent Dave a parcel too. I can tell you what was in it because I told him when I called him later on Christmas day after too many glasses of champagne (mum and dad fyi, I tried to call you guys a few times but it wouldn't connect.) I bought Dave this fake, plastic leg that you trap in drawers and car boots and doors and stuff. It's hilarious. It's called "The surprising leg - so realistic, you'll be astounded." Duncan and I laughed for about half an hour when we saw it in the Hot Dollar shop. So I bought it for Dave as I knew he'd appreciate such a juvenile gift, and sent it. But on the custom's declaration sticker on the outside of the parcel, instead of just writing "toy" or "gift" I put "fake, plastic leg." So no wonder it hasn't turned up. Idiot.
So back to the day. Parcels were opened. Eve and I caught up. And then Jason came along, his normal stressy self, to set up the champagne breakfast and buffet lunch for the hostel. I helped as best I could, but Duncan took over - opening bottle after bottle of champs for everyone. It was great.
Stuck on a dress (I'd bought one for the day. I know...), grabbed some champs and the gift I'd bought them and made my way in the hot, hot heat over to Allen and Wendy Dodd's house. Originally when they'd invited me for Christmas day I'd declined, wanting to do the whole Bondi thing with friends. But as the day had got closer I fancied a bit of a family gathering, and so decided to take them up on their kind offer - and it was great. Allen greeted me with a stocking full of presents and a glass of pink champagne, and we opened gifts and chatted until lunch. Then followed the full festive food works with more wine and champs. Then we watched home movies of their kids growing up. It was like a proper Christmas - with Christmas hats and a gran and everything. I loved it so, so much.
Staggered back full, happy and tipsy in the hot sun at about 5pm and had to hit the sack for a snooze before being woken for some more drinks by Duncan and Eve. But that didn't last long. After a couple more glasses of bubbly and 'that' phone call to Dave, I went to bed again at about 8pm. But the day had been great. Hip hip hooray.
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